A NAPPI® code is a unique identifier for a given product, which enables electronic transfer of information throughout the entire healthcare delivery chain.
The NAPPI® applicant must be the highest authority in the supply chain for the product in question within the borders of South Africa. The NAPPI® applicant must therefore be the manufacturer of the product or for products manufactured outside South Africa, the applicant must be the importer of the product.
Only products that can be legally sold in South Africa are eligible for NAPPI® codes. Therefore, proof of regulatory compliance is a pre-requisite, such as a SAHPRA registration certificate, for example.
The NAPPI® Allocation Policy as approved by the NAPPI® Advisory Board (NAB) is published on the MediKredit website to guide the industry on the policy for the allocation of NAPPI® codes.
To apply for NAPPI® codes you may refer to the allocation policy, rules and procedures for application of NAPPI® codes, as given below.