Healthcare Claims Switching

The MediKredit switch, HealthNet ST®, enables close on
9 000 providers, including pharmacies, doctors, and private and public hospitals, to simultaneously switch claims online in real-time.

This switch is integrated with the majority of Practice Management Software (PMS) vendors in South Africa.

All PMS vendors wishing to integrate with the MediKredit switch are accredited by the MediKredit integration team to validate that they comply with the MediKredit specified data file layouts. This process ensures that all incoming claim file data is received in a valid format that allows for successful MediKredit real-time on-line switching.

HealthNet ST® provides synchronous and asynchronous switch connection. This means that there is no break in the flow of data and as a result the process consistently and continuously transfers data accurately within seconds.

HealthNet ST® is proprietary to MediKredit and therefore is not reliant on a third party to guarantee the availability of an electronic data switch or the claims adjudication system.