Pharmacy Providers
MediKredit is proud to say that 94% of pharmacies registered with the BHF and SAPC place their trust in MediKredit.
As an electronic health benefit management (HeBM®) provider, MediKredit offers flexible, stable information technology solutions with real-time smart switching, guaranteeing 99.9% connectivity uptime. MediKredit’s unique patented rule stacking capabilities offer customisable, complex, innovative benefit design, affording the pharmacy provider seamless claim submissions.
MediKredit’s offering includes:
- Online realtime claiming 24/7 with 99.9% guaranteed up-time
- Statements, including auto-statements, for easy reconciliation
- Healthcare funder option lists
- Updated listing of healthcare funders and their destination or option codes required for the submission of claims
- A tariff code brochure
- Risk Message Responses (RMR®s) at point of service
- A wide range of messages assisting the healthcare provider to manage the patient at point of service
- Ensuring a positive client experience by alerting the patient to potential co-payments
- Patient SMS functionality at point of service
- Ensuring healthcare funder costs are well managed through interacting at the point of sale, facilitating proactive interventions
- Facilitating patient buy-in in discussions around more cost-effective medicine and clinical management
- Call centre services
- Clinical, operational and provider call centre services
- Circulars
- Industry regulation changes and updates
- New RMR®s, including background to the message and pointers on what the provider can do to resolve issues such as an upfront rejection, for example:
- Medical scheme rule changes
- Administrator rule changes
- Pharmacy provider network (PPN) connectivity and assistance with complying to specific healthcare funder rules
- MediKredit engages and collaborates with pharmacies rather than driving down a “least cost” approach to networks
- The network runs on a “willing pharmacy” basis, where participating pharmacies can commit to the following:
- To charge members at the healthcare funder specific dispensing fee
- To avoid additional administration and non-scheme surcharges
- To drive generic medicine utilisation for all beneficiaries
- To ensure that reference price co-payments are dealt with by switching beneficiaries to medication below reference prices
- To comply with such other lawful and reasonable network rules as may be notified to network pharmacies in writing, from time to time
- Increase income to the pharmacy
- MediKredit negotiates, on behalf of the pharmacy, an increase in their dispensing fee. This is facilitated by the implementation of the Dispensing for Choice (D4C™) functionality
- D4C™ is a value-added service initiated by MediKredit
- The aim is to drive down the cost of medication by paying the pharmacy a higher dispensing fee within the legislated dispensing fee framework
- In return, the pharmacist engages with the patient and encourages the patient to use a less expensive alternative, where available
- There is no impact to the member as long as the generic item is priced lower than the MMAP® price. The patient still has the choice to elect not to take the less expensive generic medicine
- Reporting
- Monthly compliance reports for dispensing fee surcharges, generic utilisation and substitution
- D4C™ reports